Get divorced speedily, without unnecessary legal costs or extra emotional stress.
Are you and your spouse parting ways amicably?
An uncontested divorce is one in which you and your spouse work hard together to agree on the terms of your divorce. We can then help you process your divorce with as little financial and emotional burden as possible.

Have you managed to agree on the following?
Where the children will primarily live.
Which parent will have contact and access rights.
Who pays how much maintenance for the children and for how long.
A parenting plan – who has the children when, on which days, on which holidays, etc.
Who receives which assets – if appropriate.
Our fee includes the following:
Initial consultation;
1 x 2 Hour mediation session to finalise issues;
Drafting of Summons and Particulars of Claim;
Drafting of Settlement Agreement; and
Drafting of a Parenting Plan (If applicable).
Schedule no obligation consultation now
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